I bought the url for a client, who was a former architecture professor of mine, and we slowly but surely developed the website. I set the client up with:
- A nice website–all the links work with tags and categories for sorting blog posts and pages! He can easily add content with out a web designer or using any complicated code.
- Large update-able Slideshow
- Navigation bar with dropdown menus
- Nice flash gallery graphics linking up to his Flickr account.
- A twitter account, http://twitter.com/onesmallproject
- Linked up his pre-existing delicious account.
- Daily stats, keywords, search engine terms.
- Google analytics for tracking all content and search engine results
- Google webmasters for sitemap.xml indexing in search engines.
- Search Engine Optimization, based on key words and controllable home description
- all using wordpress.org as a blogging platform with http://www.graphpaperpress.com templates, that I customized.