Danish Bikes, Buses, and Subways!

I spent a semester studying architecture in Copenhagen, then I went to Malaysia for 9 months.

First of all, I would like to say that Copenhagen–is one of the most civilized places on Earth.

Now on to the public transportation.   Now I was just a foreign exchange student basically.  I bought a monthly pass for buses and local trains.  I forget how much it cost per month, I think it wasn’t too bad, especially for immaculate service.

And EVERYBODY rides bikes.  When I first got there, a bunch of us went to the beach.  I told this Danish girl, that I liked her bike, she said, “it was my grandmothers bike.”   –That was almost shocking to me.  Who in America honestly hands down a bike?  Not many.  Bikes in america have turned into collectibles mainly, not useful everyday objects.

When I say EVERBODY rides bikes, I mean EVERYBODY rides bikes.  Guys in suits, girls in heels.  When its cold, when it rains.  Check out this video of typical amounts of bike traffic.  …and notice the side walk, bike lanes (even the bike lanes have their own traffic lights), bus lane, then the car lane.



Protected lanes and reverse priorites: people, bikes, trams, cars.

I would like to see more protected intersections in the US:

pop-up protected intersection by Open Streets Minneapolis


Cycling in Amsterdam

Author: PRO1

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